–Is it Ok to uninstall Acer Welcome Center please?
“Hello, I’m trying to help my work mate rid his new Acer laptop of bloatware, please can anyone tell me if the Acer Welcome Center is ok to uninstall? And how do I uninstall Welcome Center safely from computer? Somebody please tell me how to do, thanks!!”
Acer Welcome Center is a program developed by Acer. A scheduled task is added to Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various scheduled times (the schedule varies depending on the version). A majority of the PCs this is running on, most OS versions are Windows 7. The distribution of this has mostly been seen in the United States.
So if you have problem to remove Acer Welcome Center, or cannot uninstall Acer Welcome Centre successfully on PC, then read this page for proper solutions to completely get rid of it easily.
If you want to uninstall Acer Welcome Center manually in Windows, then you must follow the specific steps below listed to remove it systematically, be careful when you get to some complicated steps.
1. Make sure you have logged in the Save Mode of the computer
2. Log in your computer system as administrator
3. End all processes before uninstalling it
4. Uninstall Welcome Center via Control Panel
Basically, people can uninstall unwanted software from the Windows Control Panel, all you have to do is to launch the Setting and negative the Windows default uninstaller.
Choose different solutions according to your different systems:
In Windows 7 and Vista:
In Windows 8 or later:
5. Delete the leftovers Files of Acer Welcome Center
Delete invalid registry entries / values:
(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ Acer Welcome Center)
(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\eg ui)
Warning: if value is listed for some registry entries, you should only clear these values and leave keys with such values untouched. We recommend you to use Bloatware automatic removal Tool for safe problem solution.
Delete leftover files on PC:
Note: If Acer Welcome Center does not show up in Programs and Features, the automated program Bloatware remover might help a lot in Windows. At this time, a professional third-party uninstaller will be very handy to help us easily and completely get rid of any unwanted program off our computer system.
If the manual process cannot help you to successfully remove Welcome Center, then try third party remover to completely uninstall Acer Welcome Center, try this advanced Bloatware remover to safely get rid of it from now.
Bloatware Uninstaller makes it easier to remove the installed program you want from Windows system, for example, launch the remover to completely remove Driver Setup Utility now:
Follow these steps:
Step 1. Launch Bloatware Uninstaller, then select Acer Welcome Center on the interface, and then click the button “Run Analysis”;
Step 2. Click on “Complete Uninstall” after all the components are scanned out; Click Next, and then Remove in the pop-up dialog and follow the prompts to complete the removal until it Finish; Click on Scan Leftovers to conduct a full scan for the program leftover after it lights up.
Step 3. Click on Delete Leftovers and then Yes in the pop-up confirmation dialog; After all the leftovers have been removed completely, click OK to end the process; Back to Step 1, you will find Acer Welcome Center is gone, as well all the leftovers;
After these three steps, Acer Welcome Center has been removed and was gone for good on the list, as well as on the computer. You won’t find any remain of it.
How to open Acer Welcome Center:
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