GoToMyPC is an applicaiton allowing user to remote access their computers from anywhere on any device, personal, professional, and the corporate are all possibly using this program, so it is necessary to provide an effective and complete way to uninstall GoToMyPC when there is a need to remove it from the computer.
Possible reasons of removing GoToMyPC on PC
GoToMyPC encountering a running error and should be re-installed, so the current one should be firstly removed from the computer
Don’t want to use the program anymore
Free up some system space
GoToMyPC was not installed completely and cannot be used
Things you should be notice about the program removal
Before starting to uninstall GoToMyPC, please make sure the program has been disabled and stopped running on the computer, otherwise you won’t be allowed to conduct the removal, and on the other hand, you should make sure the program is 100% removed from the PC, leftovers issue is often a cause of many further issues, such as unable to re-installed the program, or cause program conflict issue.
Complete steps to remove GoToMyPC from computer
Conventional way to uninstall with Windows removing feature
Open the Windows menu via right-clicking on the small Windows icon
Click on the first item “Programs and Features”, and find the GoToMyPC
(Note: if you can’t find the program’s name on the panel, I am afraid that you might not be able to remove the program in this way and try the following method)
Select GoToMyPC on the list, and click Uninstall on the menu
Click Yes to confirm removal
Click OK when the program has been removed successfully
Close all of windows you are opening and those running programs (if they are useless at that time), and restart the computer
When finish the restart, you need to check the installation folder of GoToMyPC and make sure is has been deleted
After that, back to the desktop, and type “regedit” in the Search box
Click regedit on the search result to open the Registry Editor on the computer’s system
Expand the registry group on the left pane, and check those registry groups one by one , and delete those registry keys belonging to the GoToMyPC product
If you are not sure which registry key is the right one and worry about deleting a wrong registry, it is suggested to export the key for backup before you delete it.
Some people do not realize the standard means of removal would leave a leftover issue on the computer, so they don’t know why the program cannot be reinstalled on the PC or the Windows system always says that the program has been on the computer. No matter what kind of program you want to uninstall, besides GoToMyPC, it is necessary and important for you to perform a complete removal for the application.
Popular and faster way to remove GoToMyPC
Actually, the app removal can be performed more easily and effectively with a professional uninstall tool, more significantly, the leftovers issues also can be fixed well and would not lead any further problem, because the advanced uninstaller is able to scan and remove all of components of the program from computer.
Wanna have a try? You can download Bloatware Uninstaller here and uninstall GoToMyPC from your PC now with the following instructions:
Launch Bloatware Uninstaller on the computer (download the uninstall from here)
Highlight GoToMyPC on the uninstaller’s programs list, and click on Run Analysis
When all of associated files and registry entries are scanned out, click on Complete Uninstall to start the removal
Click Yes on the new window, and Click Yes to confirm removal
Click OK when the program has been removed successfully
Click on Scan Leftovers button, and delete all of remnants with the uninstaller, and then you will be told that the program’s leftovers have been completely removed well
Learn how to remove GoToMyPC by Bloatware Uninstaller with this video
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